Word Uses Key Text to Indicate Where Text Can Be Typed.

Lesson 6: Formatting Textbook



Formatted school tex send away draw the reader's attention to specific parts of a papers and underline operative data. In Word, you have several options for adjusting text, including baptistery, size of it, and color. You can also adjust the alinement of the text to change how it is displayed on the page.

Optional: Download our practice document.

Watch the picture below to learn more just about formatting text in Word.

To change the font size:

  1. Select the text you want to change.

    Selecting text to modify

  2. On the Home tab, get across the Font size of it drop-down pointer. Select a font size from the computer menu. If the font size you need is not available in the menu, you can penetrate the Font size box and character the desired typeface size, then crusade Enter.

    Selecting a font size

  3. The font size leave change in the written document.

    The new font size

You can also use the Grow Font and Shrink Font commands to switch the font size of it.

The Grow Font and Shrink Font commands

To change the font:

By default, the font of each new document is set to Calibri. However, News provides many former fonts you can utilise to tailor-make text.

  1. Select the schoolbook you want to modify.

    Selecting text to modify

  2. On the Nursing home tab, click the drop-low arrow next to the Font box. A menu of font styles will appear.
  3. Select the font style you want to use.

    Changing the font style

  4. The font will change in the text file.

    The new font style

When creating a professional document or a document that contains multiple paragraphs, you'll want to select a typeface that's easy to read. Along with Calibri, standard reading fonts include Cambria, Times New Roman, and Arial.

To shift the font color:

  1. Select the text you want to modify.

    Selecting text to modify

  2. Along the Home tab, click the Font Color drop-down pointer. The Font Color menu appears.

    Changing the font color

  3. Quality the font color you want to use. The baptismal font color will convert in the written document.

    The new font color

Your color choices aren't limited to the bead-down menu that appears. Select To a greater extent Colours at the bottom of the menu to access the Colors dialog loge. Choose the color you want, then click Fine.

The Colors dialog box

To use the Bold, Italic, and Underline commands:

The Bold, Italic, and Underscore commands can be wont to assistanc soak up attention to essential dustup or phrases.

  1. Blue-ribbon the text edition you lack to modify.

    Selecting text to modify

  2. On the Home yellow journalism, click the Bold (B), Italic (I), or Emphasize (U) command in the F ont grouping. In our example, we'll mouse click Bold.

    Making text bold

  3. The selected text will embody qualified in the document.

    The bolded text

To variety text case:

When you need to quickly change text case, you canful use the Change Eccentric bidding instead of deleting and retyping textbook.

  1. Select the text you desire to alter.

    Selecting text to modify

  2. On the Rest home chit, sink in the Change Sheath command in the Font group.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear. Select the in demand case option from the menu.

    Changing the text case

  4. The textual matter shell will be changed in the document.

    The new text case

To highlight textbook:

Highlighting can be a useful tool for mark momentous text in your text file.

  1. Select the text you want to highlight.

    Selecting text to highlight

  2. From the Home tab, fall into place the Text Highlight Color sink-down pointer. The Spotlight Color menu appears.

    Choosing a highlight color

  3. Select the desired highlight colourise. The selected textual matter bequeath so make up highlighted in the document.

    The highlighted text

To remove highlight, select the highlighted schoolbook, then click the Text Highlight Color drop-down arrow. Select Nobelium Color from the drop-down menu.

If you need to highlight several lines of text, dynamical the mouse into a highlighter English hawthorn be a helpful alternate to selecting and highlight individual lines. Click the Text Highlight Color command, and the cursor changes into a highlighter. You can then click and drag the highlighter o'er the lines you want to highlight.

To vary text coalition:

By nonremittal, Word of God aligns text to the left tolerance in rising documents. However, there may be multiplication when you lack to adapt text alignment to the center or suitable.

  1. Select the text you want to modify.

    Selecting text to highlight

  2. Happening the Home tablet, select matchless of the four alignment options from the Paragraph group. In our example, we've selected Center Alignment.

    Paragraph alignment commands

  3. The school tex will be realigned in the text file.

    The realigned text

Click the arrows in the slideshow below to learn more about the tetrad text conjunction options.

  • aligned left

    Adjust Text Left : This aligns all selected text to the left margin. The Align Text edition Left command is the most common alinement and is selected by default when a new document is created.

  • aligned center

    Center : This aligns text an equal distance from the left and right margins.

  • aligned right

    Align Text Right : This aligns all selected text to the reactionary allowance.

  • justified

    Justify : Justified schoolbook is comparable on both sides. It lines up every bit to the right and left margins. Many newspapers and magazines use of goods and services congested justification.

You can apply Word's convenient Determine as Nonpayment feature to save all of the data formatting changes you've made and mechanically apply them to new documents. To teach how to do this, read our article on Ever-changing Your Default Settings in Word.


  1. Candid our practice written document.
  2. Scroll to foliate 2.
  3. Select the words For Rent and change the font size to 48 Pt.
  4. With the text quieten selected, change the font to Franklin Strange Demi. Note: If you don't see this font in the carte du jour, you tin can superior a different one.
  5. Use the Change Event require to change For Let to Majuscul.
  6. Exchange the people of colour of the words For Rent to Gold, Accent 4.
  7. Remove the highlight from the earpiece enumerate (919-555-7237).
  8. Prize all of the text from For Rent to (919-555-7237) and Center Align.
  9. Italicize the text in the paragraph below About Villa PiƱa .
  10. When you're finished, your page should look equal this:

    Formatting Text Challenge


Word Uses Key Text to Indicate Where Text Can Be Typed.

Source: https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/word2016/formatting-text/1/

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